Purim Party in Winthrop – Nosh, Comedy and Megillah

Thursday, March 13, 7:00 pm ET
(in person at Temple Tifereth Israel, 93 Veterans Rd., Winthrop)

Temple Tifereth Israel, Tobin Bridge Chabad and the Walnut Street Synagogue are joining together to celebrate Purim in Winthrop! Join us for kosher fleishig hors d’oeuvres, stand-up comedy by Dan Crohn, Israeli wine tasting and, of course, a Megillah reading and hamantaschen!  Doors open at 7 p.m. Megillah reading at 7:15 p.m.  Tickets – $36/per person
Register here



The Walnut Street Synagogue is pleased to be a partner congregation of the Orange County Jewish Community Scholar Program.  Please join us at the special Purim  program!

CSP Master Logo


Esther Without Borders – The Megillah as Never Seen Before

Thursday, March 13, 1:00 pm ET (online)
(online in partnership with the Orange County Jewish Community Scholar Program)

The Book of Esther tells us that the Purim scroll was sent to 127 lands, from India to Ethiopia, spreading the story across vast distances. “Esther Without Borders” is an ongoing project created by David Moss, which began in Bali in 1990 and continues today. Through this initiative, David commissions folk artists from diverse cultures to illustrate six key scenes from the Book of Esther, each through the lens of their own unique artistic traditions—imagining the story unfolding in their own communities. The results are often breathtaking, always captivating, and consistently full of charm and joy. Join David on a global journey through the pages of the Megillah as we explore the stunning artistic expressions that bring Esther’s story to life around the world. The Ganze Megillah!
David Moss is an illuminator, animator, and transformer of Jewish texts, objects, spaces, and souls. His journey into Jewish art began with a deep passion for Hebrew calligraphy, which sparked his career. David is renowned for reviving the hand-decorated Jewish Marriage Contract, the Ketubah, and for creating The Moss Haggadah. He is also a partner in the creation of the Tree of Life Shtender. Whether working on books, prints, objects, buildings, or educational programs, each of David’s projects is rooted in Jewish text and tradition, infused with creativity, and executed with meticulous craftsmanship. David lives in Jerusalem and is a co-founder of Kol HaOt, an organization dedicated to harnessing the power of the arts for Jewish inspiration and education. Each year, he sends out three new signed, limited edition works to his loyal “Minyan” subscribers, continuing to share his artistic vision and passion with a devoted audience.
Register here




Matanot LaEvyonim – Gifts for People in Need

The Walnut Street Synagogue is pleased to be participating again this year in Yad Chessed’s Purim Campaign.  From now until Purim Day (11:00 am on Friday, March 14), you can donate tzedakah to Yad Chessed to fulfill the Purim mitzvah of Matanot LaEvyonim. For over 35 years Yad Chessed, has worked to address the needs of Jews in Greater Boston and beyond who struggle with financial and food insecurity. With the support of donors and partner organizations, Yad Chessed’s team of social workers provides swift emergency financial assistance, grocery gift cards, and compassionate care, advice, and referrals to those in need. Yad Chessed aids more than 2,000 Jewish individuals across Massachusetts annually.  The mitzvah of Matanot LaEvyonim is central to the spirit of Purim and reminds us that we are obligated to offer a helping hand to those in our midst who need it most. Yad Chessed will use donations raised to fund vouchers that can be used on Purim Day so our neighbors in need can purchase food and celebrate the holiday. 
Donate online here

You may also mail a donation to Yad Chessed at:
333 Nahanton Street
Suite 315
Newton, MA 02459

Please include the word “Purim” and “Walnut Street Synagogue” on your check memo.   

Any questions: email or call: 781-613-3413
For more information about Yad Chessed’s Purim Program visit